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Program Overview

Beef Sustainability
Pilot Project

Collaboration for Continual Improvement

The Integrity Beef Sustainability Pilot Project aims to improve the sustainability of the entire beef production value chain and create a scalable model for the U.S. beef industry by aligning with the vision, indicators and metrics of the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.

Read the Integrity Beef Sustainability Pilot Project report here.

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Cows grazing on farm


Cattle were sourced by Noble Research Institute through Integrity Beef. Metrics data was collected and managed by Noble Research Institute throughout the project.


  • Noble Research Institute
  • Integrity Beef Alliance


Cows being sold


BMG will feed and care for cattle from Integrity Beef beginning in the fall of 2017 and manage them in the Progressive Beef System.


  • Integrity Beef Alliance
  • Beef Marketing Group


Truck delivering meat to distributors


Tyson Foods will harvest the cattle from BMG when finished and provide beef to Golden State Foods.


  • Tyson Foods
  • Beef Marketing Group
  • Golden State Foods


Burgers made from high-quality beef


Using a mass balance system, GSF will incorporate project beef into hamburger patties for McDonald's.


  • Golden State Foods
  • McDonald's

How It Works

  • Integrity Beef Alliance
  • Noble Research Institute
  • Tyson Foods
  • Beef Marketing Group
  • Golden State Foods
  • McDonald's

Working Together

To improve the sustainability of the beef industry, all production levels must work together. This project engages the full beef supply chain to test the USRSB metrics, explore scalable solutions that could be applicable for beef producers across the country and create opportunities to share data and best practices up and down the value chain. The collaborators in this pilot were McDonald’s, Noble Research Institute, Integrity Beef Alliance, Beef Marketing Group, Tyson Foods, and Golden State Foods.

Increasing Efficiency

All participants are committed to documenting and sharing information from each production phase to increase efficiency and improve sustainability impacts throughout the supply chain. Each segment will measure progress on key sustainability indicators based on the metrics agreed upon by the USRSB. The first draft of metrics was published for public comment in July of 2017 at the 2nd Annual USRSB General Assembly.

Improving Management Practices

The USRSB metrics will address specific management practices focused on sustainability in each of the indicator areas. Following the USRSB guidelines will increase awareness of management practices and their impacts in these key indicator areas by all participants.

Tracking and Improving

The Noble Research Institute worked with Integrity Beef Alliance producers to implement best management practices and collect data relative to USRSB metrics. Beginning in the fall of 2017, Integrity Beef Program calves will be fed and cared for by BMG until ready for harvest. Tyson Foods will provide beef from these calves to GSF using mass balance methodology. Golden State Foods will incorporate project beef into retail product for McDonald’s. The Noble Research Institute compiled data from all segments and provide a report to McDonald’s.